Why is succession planning important for an organization?

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Why is succession planning important for an organization?

Please answer each question in about 4 to 6 sentences:
1. What are the pros and cons to using behavioral-based interviewing? How does behavioral based interviewing compare to the traditional interviewing style? Which do you prefer? Justify your response.

2. Why is succession planning important for an organization? Why is it difficult for a manager to devise a succession plan? What are some of the obstacles that manager face when devising a plan for succession planning?

3. What is job design and how can it be used strategically to enhance motivation levels? Please reference and cite scholarly sources in your comments.

4. What does human capital mean and how does it relate to staffing? Discuss different trends regarding unemployment rates over the last 30 years. As an HR manager, how will you plan and prepare (i.e., forecast) for future unemployment rates?

Site each reference for each question

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