(The directions and procedures for this test are the same as for the previous Unit test.)
Save this test on your computer, and complete the questions by marking correct answers with the “text color” function in WORD ( ) located on the “home” toolbar. Please attach your completed test to the assignment submission page.
Section I
Please identify problems of vagueness, overgenerality and ambiguity (double meaning) in the following passages. Then explain briefly how/why the passage exemplifies that problem. (Some examples may contain more than one problem.)
[Careful: Think about the various aspects of these claims before answering.]
Section II. Definitions
Please indicate whether the following are stipulative, persuasive, lexical or precising definitions.
__ stipulative
__ persuasive
__ lexical
__ précising
__ stipulative
__ persuasive
__ lexical
__ precising
__ stipulative
__ persuasive
__ lexical
__ precising
__ stipulative
__ persuasive
__ lexical
__ precising
__ stipulative
__ persuasive
__ lexical
__ précising
Section III. Strategies for Defining
Please indicate whether the following lexical definitions are ostensive definitions, enumerative definitions, definitions by subclass, etymological definitions, synonymous definitions, or definitions by genus and difference.
__ostensive definition
__enumerative definition
__definition by subclass
__etymological definition
__synonymous definition
__definition by genus and difference.
__ostensive definition
__enumerative definition
__definition by subclass
__etymological definition
__synonymous definition
__definition by genus and difference.
__ostensive definition
__enumerative definition
__definition by subclass
__etymological definition
__synonymous definition
__definition by genus and difference.
__ostensive definition
__enumerative definition
__definition by subclass
__etymological definition
__synonymous definition
__definition by genus and difference.
__ostensive definition
__enumerative definition
__definition by subclass
__etymological definition
__synonymous definition
__definition by genus and difference.
Section IV. Rules for Evaluating Lexical Definitions
Each of the following lexical definitions is defective in some way. Determine whether the definition is too broad, too narrow, lacking in context, figurative, slanted, obscure, circular, or fails to capture the essential meaning of the word.
__too broad
__too narrow
__lacking in context
__fails to capture the essential meaning
__too broad
__too narrow
__lacking in context
__fails to capture the essential meaning
__too broad
__too narrow
__lacking in context
__fails to capture the essential meaning
24 Aesthetics is that branch of philosophy that examines aesthetic properties.
__too broad
__too narrow
__lacking in context
__fails to capture the essential meaning
__too broad
__too narrow
__lacking in context
__fails to capture the essential meaning
Section V. Euphemisms and Dysphemisms
Please provide one or more euphemisms (positive designations) and dysphemisms (negative designations) for the following:
(Hint: You might find a Thesaurus useful for answering these questions.)
Euphemism: e.g.: advocate, attorney, councilor
Dysphemism: e.g.: mouthpiece, shyster, ambulance chaser
26: an untruth
Please describe the following events/states of affairs utilizing euphemisms/dysphemisms to present a positive or negative slant:
Sarah Jones today informed Rodney Harris that she would not marry him after all, considering what she had learned of his character.
Positive: e.g.: The engagement of Sarah Jones and Rodney Harris was dissolved today, due to basic character differences between them.
Negative: e.g.: Sarah Jones today showed Rodney Harris the door after she finally caught on to what a miserable scumbag he is.