Which genre or audience would be the most difficult?

How is your approach to the two different for you/How has it been different?
August 5, 2017
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August 5, 2017
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Which genre or audience would be the most difficult?

n last class’s assignment “Klass and Gaines in Forms”, you wrote in one of three different genres (PPT, memo, email) for three different audiences (students/people you’ll teach, colleagues, a general/public audience person), reflect a bit on that writing experience:

First, describe what your group did for your genre–what did you do and think about in order to create the PPT, memo, or email? What genre distinctions did you use or apply? (In less fancy language, that means what are the features or expectations of an email, memo, or PPT that you though about or tried to use?) What writer moves did you try to make (how did you try to meet those expectations)? Why?

Then, describe what you thought about/why you wrote as you did for your audience.

Lastly, which of the genres and audiences do you think would be easiest or most natural to write in/for? Why do think this? Which genre or audience would be the most difficult? Why do think this?

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