What kinds of things will you need to do in the future that you are not doing now to achieve your desired positioning?

Highlight the main points and identify themes. Review, asking questions: What is really going on?
August 5, 2017
Determine how your brand is positioned in the marketplace. Who are your competitors? What benefits and attributes are associated with the brand?
August 5, 2017
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What kinds of things will you need to do in the future that you are not doing now to achieve your desired positioning?

Individual Assignment (60%): Brand ‘Me’
Due: 9th December 12 noon

For this exercise, consider your career after graduation. What kind of “brand” would you like to build for yourself? Answer the following two questions concerning brand strategy to provide some marketing perspectives.
Define the 2-3 desirable, deliverable and differentiating points-of-difference you would like to establish for yourself in your business career in the long-run, this should capture your unique brand essence and positioning. In other words, in what ways can you be unique to other top-tier Undergraduates as your career progresses? What are the 1-2 key points-of-parity you will also need to negate any possible weaknesses?
What kinds of things will you need to do in the future that you are not doing now to achieve your desired positioning?
Be critical in terms of what this approach to your career does not consider/account for and the limitations of person branding.
Brand elements to consider in writing this assignment include: brand identity, brand image, brand values, how the brand is perceived internally and externally, co-branding potential, etc.
This is a reflexive exercise and can be interpreted in many different ways but make sure you access marketing-specific journals (e.g. Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Marketing Management, Journal of Macromarketing, Journal of Marketing, Journal of Consumer Culture) to provide theoretical support for your suggestions.
Visual analysis in the form of brand position maps or other figures are encouraged. If you wish to, you can write in the first person.
As marking is anonymous please take care not to include your name in the report.
3000 words maximum (+/- 10%), excluding references and appendices. I expect a structured essay with an introduction and conclusion. I also expect to see a title page with the course number and candidate number (not name) and an executive summary, these are not part of the word count. Where material is sourced (journals, websites) please ensure appropriate referencing is undertaken. Assignments should be submitting in Times New Roman, Size 12, with either 1.5 or 2.0 line spacing. Please use 2.54 cm margins and include page numbers.

The marking criteria is based on the generic marking criteria in your programme handbook.

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