This is Biomedical Engineering project
I will upload 4 sources
I already wrote some staff in the discussion part and I would like to add more to it
Ii is an experiment containing 10 people
36 channel in the brain were involved (18 left and 18 right)
the people were asked to do some tasks using their hands
I would like that if you read all the data given
then compare between each task
what happen to the concentration of oxygenated blood and concentration dyoxygenated blood( blood not containing oxygen)
1 why is there more or less concentration in each task
2- compare between tasks why is x task has more concentration than y task
3- compare between the average data (given) and one person data (given).
4 use sources to support your explanation.
please use pubmed cite to find the sources
all the sources must come from pubmed or IEEE cites