What directories and files it contains (making it clear to the user which are which), and permitting them to continue navigating or to pick a target to backup/restore

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What directories and files it contains (making it clear to the user which are which), and permitting them to continue navigating or to pick a target to backup/restore

Hello I need some modifications in my project you sent me last time …if you can add these requirements that will be great ..

All the requirements for phase 1 still apply, but with the following additional requirements:

Part 1: compression

When choosing to make a backup, the user must be permitted to choose to store it in compressed (.gz) form, code for compressing a file is contained in the provided codeExample4.cpp file.
The user should now also be provided with the option of uncompressing a file that has been stored in the .gz format, again sample code is provided in codeExample4.cpp.
Part 2: command line compress/restore option

In phase 1 we specified the user should have the option to specify the source and/or destination from the command line, there should now also be a -z option supported, which means zip/unzip the specified file (e.g. if the source is zipped then the -z option means unzip it, and if the source isn”t zipped then the -z option means zip it)
Part 3: navigation

The user should be allowed to navigate around the file system within the program.
To do so, the program must be able to display the current path/directory for the user, the subdirectories it contains (for navigation) and the files it contains (so the user can select a target to backup or restore). Looking up the current working directory for a program is illustrated in the codeExample5.cpp file.
The user must be able to change directories within the program, which can be accomplished with the chdir command (also illustrated in the codeExample5.cpp file)
Part 4: user interface

As you can tell, the user interface is starting to become trickier
the user may simply run the program with the command line options to backup/restore a file,
the user may run the program and wait for it to ask them the name of the desired target to backup/restore,
the user may start the program and wait for it to help them navigate through the file system, showing them what the current working directory is, what directories and files it contains (making it clear to the user which are which), and permitting them to continue navigating or to pick a target to backup/restore
Since you are still required to use a text-based interface, you will need to carefully plan out how all the options are supported in a user-friendly fashion.

If you need examples I can send that and that would be better If you use them in the code.
you can check my account for the previous assignment you sent me ….

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