What are 5 variables evaluated by judicial authorities to sentence offenders?

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What are 5 variables evaluated by judicial authorities to sentence offenders?

When sentencing an offender, a judge must evaluate a number of different variables to impose an appropriate course of punishment or treatment. Using the textbook, library, Internet, or Web resources, research the variables that should be considered at the time an offender is sentenced to ensure that justice is served. Please discuss 5 variables.

Assignment Guidelines:

  • In 4–6 paragraphs, address the following:
    • What are 5 variables evaluated by judicial authorities to sentence offenders?
    • Which variable do you feel is the most important for correctly sentencing offenders? Explain.
    • Which variable do you feel is the least important for correctly sentencing offenders? Explain.
    • Are there any variables that you do not feel should be used when sentencing offenders? Why or why not?
  • Post a new topic to the Discussion Board that contains your responses pertaining to the above information.
  • Comment on at least 2 other students’ posts, and explain to them whether or not you agree with their variable selections. Use research evidence to support your responses.

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