The Impact of Technology on Health Sectors in the UAE

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The Impact of Technology on Health Sectors in the UAE


            Technology has taken many of the processes in businesses and the health sector is not an exception. The critical impact of technology as a key driver of globalization has been well studied; though, few studies have attempted to make the in-depth analysis of these impacts on health, particularly in countries such United Arab Emirates (Alpen Capital, 2011). The UAE is among the Asian countries, which implies that adoption of technology faces some difficulties. This is because the UAE might embrace the unique aspect of other Middle East states that tend to resist global trends such technological innovation. As a result, conducting a research on technological impacts of UAE health sector will be an interesting activity that will uncover the loopholes in the health sector. Using the research aim, this proposal attempts to discuss the some of the effects of technology.

Research Aim

            The main objective of the research will be identifying how technology has affected the health sector in the United Arab Emirates. The main areas of concern will be uses of technology in treatment of diseases and other medical processes. Overall, this study will determine the impact of technology on the quality of healthcare delivery. The study will make use of the following research hypothesis:

H1: Integrating technology in the healthcare sector improves the quality of healthcare delivery in the UAE;

H2: Technology improves the efficiency of healthcare organizations in the UAE;

H3: Technology results in significant cost advantages in the UAE health sector.

Significance of the Study

            This study will be of ultimate significance to policy makers in the healthcare sector in the UAE; this is because the study will evaluate the impacts of technology and provide a framework through which healthcare organizations can analyze the decision to integrate technology in their operations. In addition, the study will be of significant value to healthcare practitioners in the UAE because it highlights the role that technology plays in guaranteeing the quality and effectiveness of healthcare delivery.

Brief Literature Review

            Ongoing research studies affirm that information technology plays a significant role in the provision of high quality health care and its penetration is rapidly growing (Tan & Ong, 2002). However, some regions tend to exhibit slow adoption of technology in relation to health care. Alpen Capital (2011) points out that UAE is one of those regions that exhibit slow rates of technological implementation.  As the technology continues to penetrate the healthcare industry, patients and medical professionals are experiencing benefit of on-demand accessibility to healthcare information as stated by (Mohamed-Nour, 2005). This enables the flow of medical information within healthcare institutions; hence, the adoption of technology in UAE will differentiate this health institution from others in Gulf region. According to World Health Organization (2006), health care in UAE has experienced lower technological investment levels in as compared to other industries. This led to various problems such as installation of software that cannot optimally meet the clinical standards, which the adoption of technology will solve.

Technology enables health care institutions to provide high quality patient care. Current health care that integrates technology is extremely efficient and reliable when compared to the traditional modes of healthcare delivery (World Health Organization, 2006). This is because of the appropriate software, which support medical process and hardware, which provide easy accessibility to information. The increased investment in latest technology will enable health care institutions to enhance their service delivery to public saving more lives.

Research Design and Methods

            The study will refine previous researches on impacts of technology on health care to develop an approach through which organizations in the United Arab Emirates can realize the benefits of technology. In addition, the framework will concentrate on empirical studies to uncover the advantages of investing in technology to provide health care to the public (Mohamed-Nour, 2005).

Data Collection and Sources

            The research will deploy secondary sources of data that come from previous researches on how technology improves health care quality and patient outcome. Searching literature reviews of Gulf Cooperation Council Healthcare industry.  The medical benefits of adopting technology in the health care industry will be obtained from GCC healthcare report.












Alpen Capital. (2011). GCC Healthcare Industry. Dubai: Alpen Capital.

Mohamed-Nour, S. (2005). Technological Change and Skill Development in the Arab Gulf            Countries . Amsterdam: Universitaire Pers Maastricht .

Tan, L., & Ong, K. (2002). The impact of medical technology on healthcare today. Hong Kong    Journal of Emergency Medicine , 9 (4), 231-237.

World Health Organization . (2006). The Work of WHO in the Eastern Mediterranean Region       Annual Report of the Regional Director. Cairo: World Health Organization.

World Health Organization. (2006). Country Cooperation Strategy for WHO and the United          Arab Emirates. Geneva: World Health Organization.

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