Is the term “papal monarchy” a good one to describe the constitution of the Church in the period between 1000 and 1400? Answer with reference to specific people and events.
What I am looking for:
When you write a paper, you are trying to prove and explain something to the reader (have in mind an intelligent friend). In this case, you’re aiming to provide a plausible answer to one of these questions, backed up with evidence. The introduction should state what that ‘something’ is (the issue you’re going to address), tell the reader what you are trying to prove about it (your argument, or central thesis) and give an idea of how your paper is going to develop.
You should divide the body of your paper into paragraphs. Each paragraph should ideally confront one aspect of the issue at hand, although that isn’t always possible. The order of the paragraphs should give the reader a clear idea of where you are going. You should back up your ideas with evidence, either from primary or secondary sources, but remember you shouldn’t just give a long list of material from your sources without offering your own analysis and presentation. Then your conclusion should sum up the main points of your argument in such a way that the reader at least sees your point, even if s/he is not entirely persuaded.
You could write long books on these topics: pick relevant examples and discuss them, don’t worry about being comprehensive.