Synthesize all that you’ve learned in the preceding 7 weeks of class, review my Week 3 email about writing a good essay, and review my comments on your last two essays.

Discuss the rite of passage or aspects of the rite of passage that you see in each of the four works.
August 5, 2017
Use direct text quotes from the book and the articles.
August 5, 2017
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Synthesize all that you’ve learned in the preceding 7 weeks of class, review my Week 3 email about writing a good essay, and review my comments on your last two essays.

1000-word Toulmin model argument about the environment, and when writing do not put the word conclusion any where on the paper. Just write a conculsion.
Looking for a well written essay that has a clear thesis statement and supporting points. It should be free of common grammatical errors, such as comma splices, fragments, run-ons, and misuse of punctuation. Synthesize all that you’ve learned in the preceding 7 weeks of class, review my Week 3 email about writing a good essay, and review my comments on your last two essays. Will also up load directions. Please stay to the subject and good grammer.

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