- Identify scientific changes that early childhood children can observe using their senses (for example, snow melting, a baby growing into a toddler, etc.) and answer the following questions:
- Describe ways that children can keep track of these changes.
- Summarize why you think these forms of measurement are helpful for children to capture, record, and preserve changes.
- Explain how using their senses help children to understand measurement.
Watch the following video:
TheQuirkles. (2011, Jan 28). Easy Science Experiments for Children – Fun Color Mixing Activities. [Video file]. Retrieved from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=reSG-olvIPk&feature=results_video&playnext=1&list=PL2DA6D99A374923F1
- Share what observations children will make.
- Explain what they will be able to measure from this experiment.