Summarize why you think these forms of measurement are helpful for children to capture, record, and preserve changes.

Explain your interpretation of the meanings of the identified nonverbal communications and symbolism.
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Summarize why you think these forms of measurement are helpful for children to capture, record, and preserve changes.

  • Identify scientific changes that early childhood children can observe using their senses (for example, snow melting, a baby growing into a toddler, etc.) and answer the following questions:
  • Describe ways that children can keep track of these changes.
  • Summarize why you think these forms of measurement are helpful for children to capture, record, and preserve changes.
  • Explain how using their senses help children to understand measurement.

Watch the following video:

TheQuirkles. (2011, Jan 28). Easy Science Experiments for Children – Fun Color Mixing Activities. [Video file]. Retrieved from

  • Share what observations children will make.
  • Explain what they will be able to measure from this experiment.

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