You must prepare a formal 10-12 page research paper to be submitted in Module 8 via plagiarism detection tool on a topic of your choice related to a major air cargo operator or hub. Your desired topic must be approved by your instructor in advance during Module 1 of the course. Your final paper is worth 100 points and 40% of your grade, and will be evaluated based on the following criteria:
Select a topic for the paper, consider the major air cargo operators or hubs.
Suggested Paper Outline ?While your paper may differ somewhat from the outline provided below, it should generally follow this format.
o Table of Contents?Topic History/Background
o Detailed description Managerial Aspects
o Corporate culture/philosophy Key individuals involved Organizational chart?Mission statement
o Resources, etc.?Vehicles and employees
o Key facilities and equipment Main airports served Number and type of aircraft
o Operations?Operational philosophies
o Markets served Types of cargo Limitations/problems
o Business Relationships Principle customers
o Partners, alliances, pacts?Code-sharing, joint ventures?Any unique agreements, arrangements, etc.
o Future Plans Summary/Comments References