Choosing your brand:
There are no restrictions as to which brand you can choose. But your brand must represent a product(s) from a specific product category; a product category is the class of products to which a brand belongs i.e. Diet Coke belongs to the soft drinks category. Your brand can represent either a single product or a modified range of products, so either Kit Kat or Innocent Smoothies.
Please make sure that your chosen branded product can provide you enough information to fulfil the assignment criteria in enough depth, i.e. if you picked Ragu spicy Bolognese sauce do you think that would be a big enough product to help provide you with enough information?
Do not pick a corporate or company brand i.e. Virgin, Sony, Disney. Why, corporate/company brands by their very nature are large and complex, therefore you run the risk of going not into enough depth surrounding the assignment criteria and to fulfil the assignment criteria correctly would mean you would need far more than 2,000 words.
Finally, the branded product can be from anywhere around the world. But, the branded product you pick must be a REAL tangible product and one that is available in the market place today i.e. I could go out and buy it.
Introduction should include an introduction of your chosen branded product, outlining what it is, the background of it, and identify the organisation that own the brand.
Main Body:
Brand and Customer Equity
Brand equity
Customer equity
Critically evaluate brand and customer equity
Customer Based Brand Equity Model:
Apply the CBBE model to your chosen branded product
Advantages of branding:
How might branding advantages effect the consumer, businesses, are they always advantages
Your conclusion should be a summery of your chosen branded product identifying the key points that you have discussed
Brand and Customer Equity: 25 marks
Customer Based Brand Equity Model: 30 marks
Advantages of branding: 25 marks
Correct use of the Harvard referencing system and at least 10 academic references: 15 marks
Systematic, logical approach to writing in font Times New Roman, size 12: 5 marks
Individual marks for each section will not be disclosed, however, a mark for the total assignment will be given and the overall grade (A to F)
Assignment reading:
Keller, K. L. (2007), Strategic Brand Management: Building, Measuring and Managing Brand Equity; International Edition, 3/E: 0132336227, Prentice Hall
Kapferer, J. N. (2008) The New Strategic Brand Management: Creating and Sustaining Brand Equity Long Term, 4/E: 0749450851, Kogan Page
Aaker D (2002) Building Strong Brands, 0743232135, Simon & Schuster
Aaker D and Joachimsthaler E (2000) Brand Leadership, 074320767X Free Press
Aaker D (2004) Brand Portfolio Strategy: 0743249380 Free Press
de Chernatony L and McDonald M (2006),Creating Powerful Brands, 3/E: (lib 2nd Ed only): 0750659807, Butterworth-Heinemann
de Chernatony L (2006) From Brand Vision to Brand Evaluation: The strategic process of growing & strengthening brands, 2/E: 0750667494, Butterworth-Heinemann
Kapferer J N (2001) Reinventing the Brand: Can Top Brands Survive the New Market Realities? 0749435933, Kogan Page
Keller K (2003) Best Practice Cases in Branding:, 0131411330, Prentice Hall
Riezebos R. (2003) Brand Management: A Theoretical and Practical Approach:, 0273655051, Financial Times Prentice Hall,
Van Gelder S (2005) Global Brand Strategy: Unlocking Branding Potential Across Countries, Cultures and Markets, 074944469X , Kogan Page
Brand Strategy (e-jnl)
European Jnl of Marketing (e-jnl & print)
Irish Marketing Review (e-jnl)
Jnl of Consumer Behaviour (e-jnl to 2005)
Journal of Marketing (e-jnl & print)
Jnl of Product & Brand Mgt (e-jnl to 2000)
Journal of Consumer Research (e-jnl to 2005)
Marketing Management Journal (e-jnl)
Assignment Criteria:
Please note assignments that only include the listed text above are likely to gain fewer marks, if you wish to gain higher marks you will need to engage in further reading using textbooks and articles, listed above are some possible sources for articles.
This is a 2,000 word assignment ( or ??? 10%), so make sure that the brand you pick has enough information to fulfil the assignment criteria.
If you wish to include an image of your chosen branded product and/or relevant theoretical models to assist you in your explanation then do so but marks will not be awarded for the inclusion of images and/or models
You must acknowledge your source(s) and all work should be correctly referenced using the Harvard system, with a complete reference list at the end of the paper.
Your work should not contain any appendices and any inclusion of appendices will not be marked.
Tutors will not read or comment on any draft or finished assignments before the hand in date.
Your assignment should be word-processed and clearly marked with the module name, module code and module lecturer.
Your work should not contain your name only your student number and your student number should be visible on every page of your work
All work is to be submitted through “TurnItIn??? to Strategic Brand Management Module found on BlackBoard no later than 11:59pm 2nd December
The assignment will be marked and graded in its entirety and individual marks will not be awarded to individual sections. Marks for each assessment criterion will be awarded with reference to the standard UWIC marking criteria