Should Boys and Girls be raised in the Same Way?

August 5, 2017
August 5, 2017
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Should Boys and Girls be raised in the Same Way?

Should Boys and Girls be raised in the Same Way?
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Should Boys and Girls be raised in the Same Way?
Many researchers have identified fundamental differences between girls and boys. The differences include the structure of the brain, child development, and perceptions about the world (Gervais, 2012). Accordingly, parents tend to use this knowledge to raise their children on the basis of gender lines. Consequently, children become a fulfilling prophecy of what their parents perceive. For instance, boys are believed to be stronger and more aggressive than the girl child while the girls are more social and emotional and this forms the basis of how they are brought up (Ehrensaft, 2007). The treatment of girls and boys on these gender lines has created perennial challenges in the society whereby the girl child lags behind the boy child. In societies that have given the girl child more priority, the boy child has continued to suffer thus affirming the need to treat both genders equally. Equal treatment for both girls and boys eliminate various challenges in society and accord equal opportunity to both children thus enhancing their chances of succeeding in life.
To begin with, boys and girls must be raised in the same manner to eliminate the vicious circle in which society has a disadvantaged gender in every generation. For instance, favoring girls at the expense of boys will make the boys feel as the disadvantaged group. Similarly, favoring boys at the expense of girls will make girls grow up as the disadvantaged group (Ehrensaft, 2007). Accordingly, a failure to treat both children in the same manner will result in high disparities between them. Therefore, one group will grow up having fewer opportunities and even less successful in life. In the end, the society remains a place riddled with gender imbalance that hampers development.
Secondly, in the modern society, girls and boys should be treated equally to promote the principles of fairness and equality (Gervais, 2012). Parents need to raise children in a way that allows them to be instrumental, responsible, and successful in society (Ehrensaft, 2007). Over the years, activists have advocated for equality and fairness between men and women. This is in line with the societal values that work towards ensuring gender equality in all aspects of life.
Parenting involves shaping the future of children as they play a significant role at the tender ages of children. The process involves helping children out of their comfort zones and helping them explore new opportunities (Ehrensaft, 2007). In addition, parents help in reinforcing the weak aspects of their children. As such, it is essential to allow girls and boys grow in the same environment as this will help them have similar abilities. In the end, equal treatment promotes independence, confidence, and ability to transform society.
The girl child and boy child should be given similar treatments so that society can avoid a vicious circle of the same problem (Gervais, 2012). Favoring or focusing on the girl child will make the boy child disadvantaged thus creating the same challenge society experienced in the past. Moreover, treatment of both the boy and girl child equally will result in parity that accords both children equal opportunities to succeed in life (Ehrensaft, 2007). Therefore, it is justifiable to conclude that equal treatment of the boy and girl child eliminates unhealthy competition and hatred that hampers the success of both sexes.

Ehrensaft, D. (2007). Raising Girlyboys: A Parent’s Perspective. Studies In Gender & Sexuality, 8(3), 269-302. doi:10.1080/15240650701226581
Gervais, C. (2012). Boys Meet Girls’ Rights: Bolivian Adolescent Males’ Claims of Commitment to Gender Equality. Children & Society, 26(5), 356-367. doi:10.1111/j.1099-0860.2011.00356.x

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