Your paper draft is a draft of your final paper. At this point, I should have already approved your topic, hypothesis, and outline. For this assignment you will be required to work as a team. Make sure that you follow the guidelines for this assignment below:
Drafts of final project paper/project presentations: This paper should include a statement of purpose, identification of the gap you plan to address, your research question/hypothesis, discussion of background information, justification of hypotheses, a discussion of your method for researching your issue, findings about your hypotheses, a discussion of the implications of your findings and suggestions for future research, conclusion, and reference page.
Your draft paper should be in a word document and be double spaced, times roman font, and font size 12. This is submitted through your Assignment Dropbox on Blackboard. Make sure everyone in your group submits the same assignment so I can add the points through Blackboard.
You should try to do this analysis in APA citation. You should have at least one source for this assignment (the program you choose). Here is more on APA citation