Provide a set of questions on the Thursday before the journal entry is due in class.

Use at least 3 references and cite them, both in-text and at the end of your paper, using APA format.
August 5, 2017
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Provide a set of questions on the Thursday before the journal entry is due in class.

Introduction to Christianity class: Think of it as a brief and critical thinking blog post; a short reflection (between 380 and 550 words) in which you discuss a particular feature of the readings we have done for the week (it is always good to include a quotation), raise a question, or critique key aspects of the assigned material. In order to guide your writing, I will provide a set of questions on the Thursday before the journal entry is due in class. Do not offer a summary and only narrative essay, for this will not give you complete credit for the assignment. The only source that you can use is: Van Voorst, Robert E. Readings in Christianity. Third Edition. Stamford: C engage Learning, 2014.

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