Post an explanation of the role of lobbying and campaigning in social work practice. Then, explain how you think social workers might have a powerful and positive effect as elected officials.

Collaborative or Principled Negotiation
August 5, 2017
August 5, 2017
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Post an explanation of the role of lobbying and campaigning in social work practice. Then, explain how you think social workers might have a powerful and positive effect as elected officials.

Special instructions : Please need in APA format style need citations , treat each work as a separately work and each work needs a separately references, please title the work as follow by SOCW 6200 or 6351, by discussion #, by week #, also by professor question : example
SOCW 6200 week 11 professor question
SPOCW 6200 , students name, discussion 1 week 11
SOCW 6351 discussion 3 week 11

Post by Day 4 an explanation of the role of lobbying and campaigning in social work practice. Then, explain how you think social workers might have a powerful and positive effect as elected officials. Finally, explain of the impact, if any, the experiences and opinions of your colleagues have had on your own experiences and opinions.
Support your post with specific references to the resources. Be sure to provide full APA citations for your references.

judith tertus
RE: Discussion 3 – Week 11

Judith Tertus
Discussion 3 week-11: Illegal Immigrants getting on Welfare
I believe if people would do some fact checking they would find out that the “illegals” add more to our economy than they take. That being said, there is a cost. So perhaps it is time that all people collecting welfare be put to work for those checks doing tasks/work for the state and local governments where they live. That is one way of making everyone who takes a government check (outside of those who have already worked all their lives and are now retired) do something for what they are receiving. This will give those who want to work but have not been able to find jobs feel better about themselves and perhaps give them a work record to build on and take the free ride away from those who don’t want to work …and you know there are some.
Those who created that motto “working is for chumps”. We are at a point where it is time to have the government step forward and be responsible for resolving some major issues. No more blank checks for anyone and no more food stamp card.  Let’s get rid of that system too and have people show up to local soup kitchens and get a meal if they are hungry and bring the kids that they are collecting support for so that everyone can see that those children are actually being fed and that their parents are taking up all the resources by selling off the food for money, drugs, or alcohol.
There is plenty of work to be done in every community in the US. Let’s use that money being doled out to those folks on welfare and give them local tasks to do before they get handed that check or given that food. I know people in wheelchairs who work…. there is no reason someone who has the energy to bring children into this world but yet cant’ provide for them.  No reason, those people can take some of that energy to work to feed those children as well. Work is good for the soul and will help heal the rift between those working and feeling their money taken to give to welfare and social services and those receiving the benefits of such programs.
There should be no free ride for anyone legal or illegal. We are in this thing together and need to have everyone doing something to help the causes of humanity and for the welfare moms who think they can’t afford to work outside the home because they can’t afford daycare. They should be part of that solution too.
I have long held the belief that these should be the parents that contribute work toward a community run daycare system, where they do the work to help themselves. For each child they bring into this world, they will be expected to do that much more work and donate that much more time toward their community projects. After all, these are the communities that their children will be growing up in and they should want to work to make it a wonderful place! It should be an expectation to work for it! Then regular tax payers won’t resent having their tax monies diverted to such worthwhile efforts.
illegal immigrants welfare:
Tikeela Dorrell
RE: Discussion 3 – Week 11

Lobbying as defined by Popple and Leighninger, “is simply the purposive, goal-directed, planned process of attempting to influence the position of a decision maker, usually an elected one (Popple & Leighninger, 2011, p. 285). The main goal of a social worker is to enhance the well-being of an underserved population. Social workers are for policy that affect the lives of many. Therefore social workers should fight and lobby for policy that does just that. Many decisions that are made regarding policy that attempt to make the lives of the oppressed better are done through lobbying at the federal and state level (Popple & Leighninger, 2011, p. 285). When I look back on the class discussions the class has had I don’t believe the experiences and opinions of the other colleagues have had an impact on my own opinions and experiences.

Popple, P. R., & Leighninger, L. (2011). The policy-based profession: An introduction to social welfare policy analysis for social
workers. (5th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education. Chapter 12, ?Chapter 13, “Conclusion” (pp. 290-296)
SOCW 6351 Discussion4 week 11
Respond by Day 7 to at least two colleagues by explaining what steps you will take as a social work professional to incorporate policy advocacy in your practice based on the insights, experiences, and/or opinions your colleagues described. Then, explain how these steps for incorporating advocacy in social work practice reflect professional ethics.
Support your response with specific references to the resources. Be sure to provide full APA citations for your references.

Tikeela Dorrell
RE: Discussion 4 – Week 11

From reading the posts for discussion three, there have been many insights I have gained.
One of those insights is just how important it is for social workers to advocate for policy change through lobbying. Just knowing that many of the policies that are passed takes place in Washington D.C. and other federal and state organizations, entails just how important it is for social workers to lobby for change. I also gained some insight as to what can be done so that those who are receiving government assistant can give back. This way those who pay their taxes won’t mind supporting such programs.
When it comes to the opinions and experiences my colleagues affected my own, only when they spoke upon a topic where I had no knowledge of. I was able to see things from other perspectives and gain insight for other ways to advocate for policy change. My colleagues helped me think outside the box when addressing certain policies. I was able to see other suggestions for policy change and why these changes were feasible.
There are many varied perceptions in social work. These perceptions can be affected by an individual’ own personal experiences. I believe we hold dear to our heart our personal experiences. When we can relate to a certain situation we are more passionate about it. I believe this passion makes a social worker fight harder for change. Social workers will work harder to advocate for change when they fully understand the situation of the oppressed especially if they can relate.  Social workers must understand their client’s culture and be able to advocate and serve them. They must be culturally competent and social diverse (NASW, 2008).
Code of Ethics of the National Association of Social Workers. (2008). NASW. Retrieved from,

SOCW 6200 Discussion 1 week 11

Respond by Day 5. Choose a colleague’s post and widen the discussion by offering two additional responses to noted indicators. Please use the Learning Resources to support your answer.

Catherine Lucas-Maurer
RE: Discussion – Week 11

During the month of April, a school in my community suffered three teen suicides. All three students went to the same school and knew each other. The community is in a state of shock. Our text says that “often teens who consider suicide tend to experience problems in three arenas: increased stress; family issues; and psychological variables” (Zastrow & Kirst-Ashman, 2016).
A school Social Worker who might have worked with Stephanie Parker in school might have several indications to problems. First, a teacher might have made the referral had they noticed indicators such a drop in grades, change in mood or even attendance issues. The reason for this would have been a noticeable shift in school behaviors.
As the social worker, the student was referred to; I would want to address the presenting issues and develop a rapport with the client. I would also choose to do a psychosocial to help get to know the student would be my first step. From the information gained I could build a foundation on where to begin talking about any suicidal concerns. Indicators of the suicidal behaviors would include withdrawal from friends and isolations from family, giving away things of value, telling others she wanted them to have particular belongings, saying goodbye to family or friends or talking about things in the past tense. In looking at these indicators, I would directly ask the student if they were or have been thinking about suicide. I would also ask if they have had suicidal thoughts. Even if the student answers “No.” I would want to continue to explore and discuss the past behaviors observed by others.
Addressing the subject head on is how I have discussed suicide with clients. One particular client, we talked about her suicide attempt in depth and explored what to do should the feelings they were having returned. Making a safety plan would be another response to the indicators.
A starting point for the questions I would ask the student might be the direct question of “Have you thought about committing suicide?” or “Are you thinking of killing yourself?” From here I would discuss past attempts they might have had. The questions in this area would include asking about when they thought about suicide, where they were, what was going on in their lives at the time and even what was going on with the family at the time. I also would want to ask if things were similar to then at this time. I would ask if they had a plan and what were the details of this plan. This would include, day, time, and date. I would continue by discussing who might find them if they had a plan.
One reason for these questions is to see the depth the student has thought out his plan. Secondly, to see about access to items and means to kill themselves. Finally, the questions will also help to understand family dynamics and what is going on in the home.

Zastrow, C. H., & Kirst-Ashman, K. K. (2016). Understanding human behavior and the social
environment (10th ed.). Boston, MA:  Cengage Learning.

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