political science

White paper on whether global warming is a fact or fiction
August 5, 2017
Global Warming
August 5, 2017
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political science

Your paper assignment is to address each of the following questions about the U.S. and Nevada Constitutions:

What is the significance of the fact that the Nevada Constitution is lengthier than the US Constitution?
(2) Which of the two constitutions provides greater protections for individual rights and how so?
(3) Which of the two constitutions provide greater protections for minorities (however defined, i.e., as merely 50% minus one or fewer persons AND as racial or ethnic minorities)?
(4) Which constitution gives greater protection to the right of the majority to govern (and explain why)?
(5) Explain the pros and cons of Nevada’s system for electing judges compared to the so-called Merit Plan (i.e., Missouri Plan, or similar plan) used in other states as well as the U.S. national system for appointing judges. Describe recent attempts of Nevada to move to the merit plan. Also, outline Nevada’s recent attempts to establish an intermediate court of appeals.

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