Political Lergitimacy

analysis of some aspects of a philosopher’s work
August 5, 2017
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August 5, 2017
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Political Lergitimacy

Using references to the material assigned, explain the concept of political legitimacy as it developed from enlightenment thinking and provide examples of how it is incorporated in the American system of government. Demonstrate its relationship to the imposition of the penal sanction and the role it plays in legitimizing the use of punishment and incarceration in the American system of justice. Explain the history of legitimacy, how was it developed? Start with legitimacy and end with legitimacy.
1. The paper should reflect your reading of the work and explain the theory, findings, or prescriptions of the author
2. What Phiosophical or scientific ideas were current and is this work reflective of those currents?
3. What was the critical sociological, criminological, philodophical or penological idea contained in the work?
4. What impact did the work have?
5. What are the implications for today of the work?
6. If there are aspects of the work you reject or differ with, say so and exlain why.

The references that are to be used are the Leviathan by Thomas Hobbes (specifically the state of nature), John locke (second treatise), Montesqieue-The Spirit of Law, Montesqieue VOL 2, Rousseau Social Contract, Declaration of Independence, The U.S. Constitution, Amendments to the Constitution of the U.S. (specifically Amendments 1,4,5,9 &10), Cesare Beccaria, Beccaria on Crimes and Punishments, Lombroso and Biological Determinism,
Lombroso and Crime, Jeremy Bentham and Utilitarianism, and Bentham’s Panopticon.
All these references DOESN’T have to be included in the paper, but only these references are to be used to explain legitimacy; plus ONE reference to other scholarly publications. The main point of this paper is LEGITIMACY.

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