Please read the paper instruction for policy brief 4 first. Previously you helped me wrote policy brief 1&2, both received the same score, 8.5/10, now please choose from either one and write from the opposite side.

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Please read the paper instruction for policy brief 4 first. Previously you helped me wrote policy brief 1&2, both received the same score, 8.5/10, now please choose from either one and write from the opposite side.

Please read the paper instruction for policy brief 4 first. Previously you helped me wrote policy brief 1&2, both received the same score, 8.5/10, now please choose from either one and write from the opposite side. I have attached instructions for policy brief 1&2&4, read 4 first, I also attached all the class notes, they are useful to write brief 4 because professor wants to see the newly acquired skills, and I attached all the readings too. Please let me know if you have any questions.

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