USE ONE OF THE FOLLOWING TOPICS: To write an essay recalling a memory. Remember to consider your rhetorical star as well as the steps for writing a narrative as you compose.
1. A memorable childhood experience
2. An entertaining pet story
3. A scary or dangerous event you witnessed or experienced
4. Your best (or worst) vacation
5. A lesson you learned being on a team or in a club
6. Resisting or succumbing to peer pressure
7. Your worst ( or best) day on the job
8 An event that led to a significant decision in your life
9. Meeting Someone new or losing someone special
10. A day that changed your life forever
Follow these steps when writing a NARRATIVE: Begin with an engaging title and introduction; establish the time and place; keep consistent point of view and verb tense; include plenty of details and sensory appeal; follow a logical sequence; use dialogue effectively; include visual aids if appreciate; and end with a thought- provoking conclusion.
USE ONE OF THE FOLLOWING TOPICS to write a descriptive essay. Remember to consider your rhetorical star as well as the steps for writing a description essay as you choose.
1. A natural setting, such as a beach, mountainside, woods, or lake
2. A work of art, such as a poster, photograph, painting, or sculpture
3. The music of a particular artist or band
4. A shopping mall, parking lot, sports stadium, or other crowded place
5. A ride at a theme park or an exhibit at a zoo or museum
6. The best or worst meal you have ever eaten ( or pushed away)
7. A person you love, Cherish, or admire
8. A souvenir or artifact from a place you have visited
9. A special photograph of a person, place, pet, or object
10. A restaurant, bakery, or other place that appeals to the sense
FOLLOW THESE STEP WHEN WRITING A DESCRIPTION: begin by creating a dominant impression; decide whether to use an objective or subjective approach; appeal to the senses; include similes or metaphor, organize your description logically; end with a memorable conclusion.
You can choose either a narrative or descriptive essay from the list above!
I am female, so put your self in my shoes..