Knowing that constraints satisfaction problems are solved by search, describe the some of the most used techniques such as Local search, backtracking or constraint propagation,
August 5, 2017
eating healthy foods is better for a persons overall health
August 5, 2017
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long list

USE ONE OF THE FOLLOWING TOPICS: To write an essay recalling a memory. Remember to consider your rhetorical star as well as the steps for writing a narrative as you compose.

1. A memorable childhood experience
2. An entertaining pet story
3. A scary or dangerous event you witnessed or experienced
4. Your best (or worst) vacation
5. A lesson you learned being on a team or in a club
6. Resisting or succumbing to peer pressure
7. Your worst ( or best) day on the job
8 An event that led to a significant decision in your life
9. Meeting Someone new or losing someone special
10. A day that changed your life forever

Follow these steps when writing a NARRATIVE: Begin with an engaging title and introduction; establish the time and place; keep consistent point of view and verb tense; include plenty of details and sensory appeal; follow a logical sequence; use dialogue effectively; include visual aids if appreciate; and end with a thought- provoking conclusion.
USE ONE OF THE FOLLOWING TOPICS to write a descriptive essay. Remember to consider your rhetorical star as well as the steps for writing a description essay as you choose.

1. A natural setting, such as a beach, mountainside, woods, or lake
2. A work of art, such as a poster, photograph, painting, or sculpture
3. The music of a particular artist or band
4. A shopping mall, parking lot, sports stadium, or other crowded place
5. A ride at a theme park or an exhibit at a zoo or museum
6. The best or worst meal you have ever eaten ( or pushed away)
7. A person you love, Cherish, or admire
8. A souvenir or artifact from a place you have visited
9. A special photograph of a person, place, pet, or object
10. A restaurant, bakery, or other place that appeals to the sense

FOLLOW THESE STEP WHEN WRITING A DESCRIPTION: begin by creating a dominant impression; decide whether to use an objective or subjective approach; appeal to the senses; include similes or metaphor, organize your description logically; end with a memorable conclusion.

You can choose either a narrative or descriptive essay from the list above!

I am female, so put your self in my shoes..

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