Library Information Studies

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Library Information Studies

This assignment is for Master of information studies course and the unit:
“Describing and Analysing Information Resources” which basically is about “Metadata” and its standards.
This assignment is about “Dublin Core” metadata and has 2 parts:
A- Create metadata for each of the three information resources mentioned in the instructions which I bring in the following (a table with two columns for each, including name of the DC element and the metadata itself.)
B- Purposes and fitness of the Dublin Core schema (a short essay, report format around 1500 words)
Please follow the task requirements and marking criteria exactly as they explained everything clearly in details:
Assessment item 1
DC Metadata
Length: No more than 1500 words for Part B
Part A. Metadata application (15 marks; 5 marks each)
Create metadata for each of the three information resources below using the basic Dublin Core schema.
• Printed book: The Book Thief by Markus Zusak (2007) ISBN 978-0375842207. More details at:
• Website:
• MP3: The album Is there Anybody Out There? by A Great Big World, as offered by
For each of the three sets of metadata, please prepare a table with two columns, including name of the DC element and the metadata itself.
Please note that you do not need to use DC qualifiers. Nor do you need to wrap up (i.e. encode) the metadata in HTML, XML, etc.
Part B. Purposes and fitness of the Dublin Core schema (15 marks, no more than 1500 words)
The extent to which a metadata standard is adopted in the context of digital libraries is affected by many factors (See e.g., Cathro, 1997; Hider, 2012, pp. 103-104; Liu, 2007, pp. 147-164).
As discussed in DC examples, not all the DC elements have been applied in practice. Given the importance of purpose, resource attributes and other factors in standards adoption and application, please reflect on your experience of metadata application and cite examples from Part A to support answers. Write a summary of your thoughts by addressing all the following questions:
1. What is the importance of the metadata elements you have included?
2. Why did you apply certain data elements? Why were some elements omitted?
3. What elements would you like to have included if they had been available?
4. How might the various elements assist users in finding and/or selecting the information resource?
You may also wish to cite from the literature, in which case you will need to include a reference list.
Cathro, W. (2007). Metadata: An overview. National Library of Australia Staff Papers.
Hider, P. (2012). Information resource description: Creating and managing metadata. London: Facet.
Liu, J. (2007). Metadata applications in the digital library. In Metadata and its applications in the digital library: Approaches and practices (pp. 147-164). Westport, CT: Libraries Unlimited.
National Information Standards Organization. (2012). The Dublin Core metadata element set (ANSI/NISO Z39.85-2012). Baltimore, MD: NISO Press.
The purpose of this assessment task is to assess your ability to describe information resources using the Dublin Core standard, and assess your awareness of the significance of the various DC elements.
Marking criteria
Rubrics for assessment
Criteria High Distinction 85%-100% Distinction 75%-84% Credit 65%-74% Pass 50%-64% Fail 0-49%
Selection of relevant Dublin Core elements (20%)
Assess the information resources fully by the selection of relevant Dublin Core elements.
Analyse the information resources adequately by the selection of relevant Dublin Core elements.
Summarise the information resources sufficiently by the selection of relevant Dublin Core elements. Identify the information resources adequately by the selection of relevant Dublin Core elements. The description only partially answers the question or not present.
Selection of appropriate data for each element (20%)
Assess the information resources fully by selection of appropriate data for each element.
Analyse the information resources fully by selection of appropriate data for each element. Describing information resources sufficiently by selection of appropriate data for each element. Identify information resources adequately by selection of appropriate data for each element. Fail to show any description of information resources or not present.
Understanding the purpose of different metadata elements (20%)
Assess the purpose of different metadata elements fully in the context of digital libraries.
Determine the purpose of different metadata elements adequately in the context of digital libraries. Explain the purpose of different metadata elements sufficiently in the context of different information resources. Identify the purpose of different metadata elements adequately in the context of different information resources. Fail to show fair understanding of the purpose of different metadata elements.
Evaluation of the fitness of the Dublin Core schema (20%)
Assess the fitness of the Dublin Core schema fully by consideration of metadata standards adoption and application.
Determine he fitness of the Dublin Core schema adequately by consideration of metadata standards adoption and application. Explain the fitness of the Dublin Core schema sufficiently in the context of different information resources. Identify the fitness of the Dublin Core schema adequately in the context of different information resources. Fail to show fair evaluation of the fitness of the Dublin Core schema.
Clarity and presentation of writing (20%)
Follow assessment presentation standards perfectly, and demonstrate a perfect understanding of APA Style in writing, meeting journal publication standards.
Follow assessment presentation standards closely, and indicate a very good understanding of APA style in writing, with appropriate in-text citations and correct references. Apply assessment presentation standards adequately, and indicate a good understanding of APA style in writing, with very few errors of in-text citations and references. Apply assessment presentation standards partially, and show a fair understanding of APA style in writing, with some errors in in-text citations and references. Fail to apply assessment presentation standards, and show a poor understanding of APA style in writing, with numerous errors in writing.
I will upload this task instruction file again which is easier to read with highlighted words that shows importance of them for this assignment.
Again, please follow all task requirements and marking criteria.for references , I guess 6-8 are enough because part B should not be more than 1500 words.for part A it is answer to task requirements and tables for each item based on Dublin Core metadata
so, It is not word based but answering that question and creating a table for each (1 table with 2 columns for each-3 tables in total) based on Dublin core metadata.

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