Is the UK construction industry on target and what legislations are current? How can this have an effect on the quality of dwellings delivered, with supply and demand?

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Is the UK construction industry on target and what legislations are current? How can this have an effect on the quality of dwellings delivered, with supply and demand?

Dissertation question:
UK government ambition to build a target of 3 million dwellings by 2020. Is the UK construction industry on target and what legislations are current? How can this have an effect on the quality of dwellings delivered, with supply and demand?

Contents page You must number the pages of your work to be able to complete this page. The contents page is one of the last pages to complete, even though it is located at the front of the work. list of tables, diagrams and illustrations This is to be a list of the figure and table numbers, together with captions and their corresponding page numbers.

Chapter 1 Introduction What the study is about This is where you engage attention of the reader. The title of your topic should be made very explicit here so the reader knows from the beginning what you are writing about. This section is not an overview of the work.

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