In a couple of paragraphs, discuss how your perceptions of R&S have changed since learning and practicing R&S in this course.

Describe and give examples of the various ways that heat can be transported in the atmosphere.
August 5, 2017
British withdrawal from the European union. What impact will it have on Great Britain and the world (Economically and politically). Pros and Cons of Brexit for Europe.
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In a couple of paragraphs, discuss how your perceptions of R&S have changed since learning and practicing R&S in this course.

In a couple of paragraphs, discuss how your perceptions of R&S have changed since learning and practicing R&S in this course.  Review your personal journal and your goal(s) for this course.  Comment on your progress on your goal(s).  Discus ways that you will continue to practice your learning. Lastly, if you were going to orient/onboard someone to this course – what would you offer? Please review the assignment folder for specific details on how the discussion questions are graded.

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