In a 4 –5 page paper, define and describe wraparound programming in juvenile justice.

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In a 4 –5 page paper, define and describe wraparound programming in juvenile justice.


In a 4 –5 page paper, define and describe wraparound programming in juvenile justice. In your description, make sure to include how these programs address each of the following:

Drug addiction and abuse

Gang involvement

Female offender specific responses, including teen pregnancy

Family counseling and involvement

Mental health

Community outreach

Parenting and family dynamics

There is no right or wrong answer here. The goal is to consider a comprehensive response to the issues currently confronting delinquent teens. You must also identify the stakeholders and treatment staff involved, describe the significance of communication, collaboration among the treatment staff, define the target populations served, and address suggested funding options for the programs.


Student identifies what a wraparound program is and how each of the seven (7) treatment needs listed below should be addressed within a wraparound program; including an identification of stakeholders, treatment staff, target populations and funding options.

Treatment Needs

1. Drug addiction and abuse

2. Gang involvement

3. Female offender specific responses, including teen pregnancy

4. Family counseling and involvement

5. Mental health

6. Community outreach

7. Parenting and family dynamics


Student clearly describes the importance of communication, collaboration and cooperation among all treatment staff. Also defines the target populations served, and addresses suggested funding options for the programs.

Student uses at least two credible sources, one of which should be the textbook, and discusses how they evaluated the credibility of the resources used.

I would begin with my title page and then use the following as my subheadings; Drug addiction and abuse, Gang involvement, Female offender specific responses (including teen pregnancy), Family counseling and involvement, Mental health, Community outreach, Parenting and family dynamics, and Communication

Beneath each subheading, except Communication, I would discuss each of the following: identification of stakeholders, treatment staff, target populations and funding options. For the Communication topic, I would elaborate on the importance of communication, collaboration and cooperation among all treatment staff.

Remember that you need in-text references for this assignment.

Next I would do my reference page, knowing that I need to list the course text and at least one more reference and then explain why I believe each is credible.

Textbook: Juvenile Justice Sourcebook, 2nd Edition, Church, W.T., Springer, D.W., Roberts, A. R.

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