Impact of the Trips Agreement on LDC´s with Rwanda

Spy Next Door
August 5, 2017
Fresh Air From WHYY
August 5, 2017
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Impact of the Trips Agreement on LDC´s with Rwanda

I have to research about: The access to Public Health of Rwanda in the background of the WTO Trips agreement and intellectual property rights.

The topic is not readily formulated. It has to deal with the impact of the Trips Agreement on LDC´s with Rwanda as the example which has to be investigated. My professor wants to have a proposal of how the thesis will be structured, what points are important to research about and what literature can be found. So the first part of my order would be to structure the work and write a one page Exposé about what can be expected by this work. once my teacher gives her OK the writer can start writing. the thesis has to be about 50 pages but I only want the writer to write 30 while I work on the rest. for this reason I will have to communicate with the writer so we can arrange this and won’t work on the same aspects.
When I thought about how I wanna work on it, I pictured is like:
1. A brief summary of the situation Rwanda before Trips (always in regard of intellectual property rights and the access to public health). important legislation, socioeconomic data (like people being dependent of essential medicines, most spread diseases, drug prices) but also some other economic data like GDP (growing or descending economy? perspective?)
2. Trips Agreement
content of the Agreement (brief summary of the agreement with emphases on the most severe rules regarding the safeguard of public health in developing countries/ LDC’s – difficulties and flexibilities like compulsory license, parallel importation)
motivation for the agreement (lobbyism of developed economies/ companies?)
3. implications of Trips before the Doha declaration
development of drug prices, access to medicines, arising problems and concerns about the agreements impact on Rwanda. Taken steps by Rwanda to implement the Trips provisions in national law.
trade sanctions and economic pressure on Rwanda by multinational enterprises and developed countries?!
Points that finally lead to the Doha conference and its respective declaration
4. Doha Declaration and August 30th decision –
summary with emphasis on waivers concerning the safeguard of public health. critical view on the provided flexibilities and why they barely are applied in reality.
5. situation after Doha
steps taken by Rwanda in national legislation to implement provisions and ensure flexibilities. development of socioeconomic data (drug prices, -supply, -demand, GDP etc) how can incentives be created for pharma companies to develop producing pharma industry in Rwanda. steps that were made to give incentives? one of the Trips purposes was the technology transfer from developed countries to LDC’s. Did anything in this direction had happened in Rwanda? Why/Why not?
6. perspective till 2016
what has to be changed, what events may cause a severe change (positive or negative) for Rwanda’s situation? (potential trade agreements upcoming – e.g. biggest generic medication producer India wants to make trade agreement with EU)

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