Identify significant standards for healthcare documentation.

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Identify significant standards for healthcare documentation.

Unit outcomes addressed in this Assignment:

? Identify significant standards for healthcare documentation.

? Understand important factors involved in regulations pertaining to paper and electronic health records.

Course outcomes addressed in this Assignment:

HS410-4: Compare standards and regulations for healthcare documentation.


Your boss is the Director of Medical Records at a large academic medical center. He is finding it difficult to monitor the ongoing legislative and policy changes related to Health Information Management. He has asked that you do the following:

1) Visit the AHIMA website (www.ahima,org) and visit the “Advocacy and Public Policy” tab.

2) From there, visit both the “Legislation” and “News and Alerts” menu options.

3) Prepare two pages report highlighting the two most important items your boss should be aware of.

4) Recommend a course of action for each.


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