Identify common ethical dilemmas confronting criminal justice practitioners.?

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Identify common ethical dilemmas confronting criminal justice practitioners.?


Read/review the following resources for this activity:

  • Textbook: Chapter 5, 6
  • File: Presentation (Cengage, e) – Chapter 5, 6 (in Course Documents)
  • Please note if students are required to do research (i.e. readings beyond the textbook), how many sources are required, and what types of resources (e.g. Minimum of 1 outside resource; Minimum of 2 library resources; Minimum of 2 peer-reviewed library resources; etc.)


Rationale for activity. May include activation of prior knowledge or real-world application.

Activity Instructions


Research Tasers and evaluate their use as a mechanism for exerting force. Are they safer for the victim than other weapons? Are they safer for the officer? What are the boundaries for using a Taser?

Knowing what you know now through your research. Consider the following dilemma.

You have stopped a 72-year-old woman for speeding. She is argumentative and refuses to sign the ticket. She ignores your command to move away from the highway and tries to get back into her vehicle. You attempt to push her to the side of the road away from traffic, but she continues toward her car.

Should you use your Taser?

Content Requirements: each assignment must cover the following four requirements fully.

  1. Ethical Dilemma. State what the primary and ancillary ethical dilemmas are as presented by the Case Study. Do notrestate the facts of the case.
  2. Present a resolution of the case study. State specifically WHAT you’re going to do and WHY you’re doing what you’re doing to resolve the ethical dilemma. Be very specific and detailed.
  3. Identify which ethical system(s) support your resolution. Look to Chapter 2 of the Pollock textbook to identify the list of ethical systems to be used.
  4. Integrate any material/concepts learned in the course that are applicable to the case study and/or your resolution. Show specifically how the material/content applies. Be sure to cite your resources/textbook properly.

Writing Requirements (APA format)

  • 3-4 pages (approx. 300 words per page), not including title page or references page
  • 1-inch margins
  • Double spaced
  • 12-point Times New Roman font
  • Title page with topic and name of student
  • References page (minimum of X resources)

Grading and Assessment

SME to provide content guidelines for assessment until rubrics are developed.


  • This activity will be graded based on academic content, integration of resources, and college-level writing and grammar.
  • This activity will be graded based on correctness of responses.

Course Learning Outcome(s): 1, 2

  1. Identify common ethical dilemmas confronting criminal justice practitioners.?2. Use theoretical ethical systems/models to identify and resolve ethical dilemmas.

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