How the theory of symbolic Interaction can be useful in explaining social life in the U.S.A.

Discuss the rite of passage or aspects of the rite of passage that you see in each of the four works.
August 5, 2017
Use direct text quotes from the book and the articles.
August 5, 2017
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How the theory of symbolic Interaction can be useful in explaining social life in the U.S.A.

In this first essay you will write a 750 word critical essay using your fieldwork findings as evidence to support a position. You must be able to explain in your own words what SI is and apply it to your fieldwork.

In this first essay you will write a 750 word critical essay using your fieldwork findings as evidence to support a position. You must be able to explain in your own words what SI is and apply it to your fieldwork.
Expectations for this essay
In this essay you will explore the theory of symbolic interaction (SI) and discuss how symbols provide meaning in societies.
Using your field notes, write a mini ethnography of your own fieldwork experience as research on symbolic interaction and gender. Use Chagnon’s field work with the Yanomamo as a guide to help you learn how to write an ethnographic description of your own fieldwork.
Your essay should include an explanation of SI and at what level of social analysis (Macro/micro) it is associated.
Your essay should take a position on how the theory of symbolic Interaction can be useful in explaining social life in the U.S.A.
Specific evidence from your field notes must support your position. Your examples should be multiple and have concrete descriptions.
Your essay must address both how symbols contribute to the shaping of individual behaviour as well as the societal outcomes—this is the ‘so what’ factor.
Your essay must also tie in the reading ‘X’ and ‘Rapes in Fraternities’ both of which are posted on Moodle.
Include your own perspective on doing fieldwork or ethnographic observation in learning about social behaviour.

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