ESSAY ASSIGNMENT: Do the readings and browse through the attached Powerpoint slide show (It’s the same slide show as last week’s assignment). Your essay should cover both the scientific/technological and ethical aspects of human genetics topics such as stem cell research, genetic testing, reproductive technologies, selection of embryos based on disease genes or sex of the embryo, gene therapy, etc. etc. You may choose to write on any aspect of this topic you wish. Example questions include…How has the rapid advancement of genetic/genomic technologies enhanced our ability to do things which may have serious ethical ramifications? Is the technology and what we are doing with it advancing too slowly? Too rapidly? etc. etc. You may wish to use additional resources (i.e. other articles you have read on the subject of human genetics) but YOU MUST AT LEAST USE THE THREE REQUIRED SOURCES THIS WEEK…TWO READINGS PROVIDED BELOW and REFERENCE THE SLIDE SHOW (this rule applies to all of the assignments…you are encouraged to read above and beyond the minimum requirements!) UPLOAD YOUR ESSAY TO MOODLEROOMS.
Genome Timeline several of the key events in the history of the field of genetic/genomics to become familiar with significant advances.)