How does Disney use the “atmosphere” discussed in the case to maximize the guest experience while minimizing complaints about the length of the wait to get on the ride?

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How does Disney use the “atmosphere” discussed in the case to maximize the guest experience while minimizing complaints about the length of the wait to get on the ride?

Please complete the following:

Project Success Due 1/7/16

For this assignment, you must review a brief reading, then answer some questions about the reading.


  • Follow the instructions below
  • Write a one-page paper that thoroughly addresses the questions below.
  • Submit your paper to the instructor via Canvas
  • Read case study 1.3 in your text,  “Disney’s expedition Everest”
  • Answer the following questions:


  1. Imagine that you are Project Manager for Disney.  Based on the information in this case study describe the critical project success METRICS that Disney might use when doing a project to develop a new ride.   (A METRIC is simply something that you can measure to gauge project progress.)  In other words, how would you prioritize the needs for addressing project cost, schedule, quality, and client acceptance?   Cite evidence from the case study to support your answer.
  2. Describe Disney’s attention to detail in designing its rides.  How does Disney use the “atmosphere” discussed in the case to maximize the guest experience while minimizing complaints about the length of the wait to get on the ride?

Also complete by 01/13/16 the following

(Due Jan 13th)

Week 2: Are leaders born or made?

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Some folks believe that true leaders are born that way. “Either you got it, or you ain’t got it.”  Others believe that leaders can be developed and trained: leadership skills can be acquired even if one is not naturally gifted with such.

Consider this question:  Is leadership an innate trait with which one is born, or is leadership a skill that one can learn?  Answer this question.

Share your thoughts with the class, and back them up with examples, quotes, and/or articles.

For this assignment, you must compose a brief research paper/essay on the topic of leadership.

Requirements ( Due Jan 13th)

  • Follow the instructions below
  • Write a two-page paper that thoroughly addresses the questions below. (Optional title page, two pages of content — 12 point font single spaced, 1-page bibliography citing your sources.)
  • Submit your paper to the instructor via Canvas
  • Identify a real person (dead or alive, present or past) whom you consider to be a great leader.   This could be a leader from any walk of life – military, political, religious, entertainment/arts, business, cultural change.  They need not be particularly famous or widely-known, as long as you can document their leadership style and influence as required below.
  • Spend some time researching the life and work of this great leader.  If possible, please include at least one book in addition to web-based sources and/or periodicals.  Be sure to properly cite all your sources.
  • Answer the following questions:


  1. Describe FIVE specific character traits that make this person a great leader. Explain how each of these traits contributes to this person’s ability to effectively lead others.
  2. Describe the scope of this leader’s influence, and describe the impact that this leader’s life and accomplishments have had on others (whether the world, humanity, country, organization, local community, or even family.)
  3. Provide TWO quotes from this leader which capture the essence of his/her style of leadership.
  4. Of the five characteristics described in question one, identify the ONE character trait displayed by this leader which you admire most and want to emulate.  Describe some specific behaviors and activities you can implement in your own life to do so.

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