How do you ensure that your perceptions and assumptions do not impede student learning?

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How do you ensure that your perceptions and assumptions do not impede student learning?

Reflect on the impact of socioeconomic status (SES) on you and your students or the students in your neighborhood school. Write a 2- to 3-page response to the following:

  • Is your socioeconomic status similar or different from the students’?
    • In what ways is it similar or different?
    • How do differences between your SES background and your students’ SES background hinder your teaching?
    • How do you ensure that your perceptions and assumptions do not impede student learning?
    • Does the difference affect the way you teach your students? If so, how?
  • If someone were to visit your classroom or neighborhood school without knowing anything about the school, would the visitor be able to easily identify your students’ SES? Yours?
    • In what ways might this be possible?
  • How does your classroom and teaching materials reflect the backgrounds of your students and honor their real-life experiences?

Note: If you are not currently teaching or you do not identify a difference in socioeconomic standing between yourself and the students at your school, you may either opt to reflect on the materials that were available to you as a student or to complete a Google search for resources you feel would be excellent additions to a particular age/content area classroom.

Support your statements with evidence from the Required Studies and your research. Cite and reference your sources in APA style

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