How do you define President Obama’s foreign policy ideology: realist, idealist, or some combination? Be certain to offer examples from the essay.

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How do you define President Obama’s foreign policy ideology: realist, idealist, or some combination? Be certain to offer examples from the essay.

The magazine, The Atlantic, recently published an excellent essay by journalist Jeffrey Goldberg examining President Obamas foreign policy of the last seven plus years. The essay was compiled after several interviews with President Obama and other administration officials. Considering that presidents typically enter office with lofty foreign policy goals only to discover at the end of their term of office that those ambitions have been quelled significantly, read the full essay and answer the following questions in essay format.
1. How do you define President Obama’s foreign policy ideology: realist, idealist, or some combination? Be certain to offer examples from the essay.
2.At this point in time, what is President Obama’s foreign policy legacy? How is it different from President Bush’s? What are its successes and failures?
3.What are the biggest future challenges to US foreign policy, according to President Obama? Do you agree? Why or why not?
4.Finally, how should the US define its role in the world today?

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