Explore how the cross-cultural challenges and humanitarian considerations are involved.

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Explore how the cross-cultural challenges and humanitarian considerations are involved.

Throughout the course, you have been working toward your final project. This week, you will be submitting a rough draft of that project. Using the information you’re your outline, your bibliography, and your literature review, combine the information to create a rough draft (you will have the opportunity for this to be reviewed by your instructor and your peers). Pay close attention to the following criteria to ensure you covered everything. While this is a rough draft of your project, keep in mind that the more complete your draft, the more chance you have to receive relevant and constructive feedback.

Your paper should be creative and interesting, and demonstrate what you have learned. It should be a minimum of 5-7 pages in length and you will use APA style formatting with a title page and reference section. You should use Times New Roman, 12pt. font, double-space your lines, and set your page up with one inch margins (See the APA Template included in the Course Resources folder)

Your assignment should be well-organized and demonstrate an orderly flow of information that clearly addresses the subject chosen. In addition to the above criteria, your final project should include the following elements:

  • The Community Organization: Clearly indicate the focus of the organization and the community needs that the organization. A brief historical background of the organization should also be included.
  • Discuss any community partnerships that they have. Suggest additional partnerships that you feel they should have.
  • Explore how the cross-cultural challenges and humanitarian considerations are involved.
  • Demonstrate how the organization uses volunteers and the economic benefits associated with this (not just “free labor”).
  • Illustrate any roadblocks that the organization has faced or potential could face and how they did or might find solutions.
  • Describe the organization’s vision for the future.
  • Indicate what areas in which you feel the organization could improve. What challenges (technological, political, economic, laws and regulations, community-based initiatives, educational, etc.) will they need to overcome?
  • Discuss potential ways you might be able to contribute to the organization. How could your own interests, talents, and skills benefit this organization

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