Outcome1: Define and compute Gross Domestic Product (GDP) using different methods.
Outcome 2: Explain the role of money in the economy, including balance of payments and exchange rates.
Outcome 3: Assess economic growth theory and its connections to inflation and employment.
Outcome 4: Describe international trade policies.
Outcome 5: Explain the role of the banking sector in the economy
Task 3- Individual Report 20%, Submission date: May 11th, 2016
LO 1: Define and compute Gross Domestic Product (GDP) using different methods.
LO 3: Assess economic growth theory and its connections to inflation and employment.
LO 4: Describe international trade policies.
A research paper on a countrys macroeconomic policies has to be submitted
This is a paired assignment
The word limit for the research paper is 2000.
The research paper should contain appropriate references.
It should be submitted online as a formal research report with proper format, cover page and a form declaring that this is the pairs original piece of work and has not been copied)
Format of the Research Paper
Introduction to the Country(2 marks)
Major Macroeconomic Issues/Indicators like: (2 marks for each point)
Business Cycles/Growth
Economic growth
International trade policies
Conclusion/Future outlook of the country (3 marks)
References indicating the name of the Author, Journal/Magazine/Book name, year of publishing, and Publisher name. If using web then the complete URL of the website should be given including the date on which the material was accessed. (1 mark)
Guidelines for writing
Each country profile must be designed to give a summary of that country, its economy and economic profile. You can provide economic indicators, data and statistics, as well as analysis of its history, GDP, GDP growth, GDP per capita, international trading relations, imports & exports, Country Population, Country Census, Births, Deaths and Immigration, Country Inflation, Unemployment Rates, International trade policies