Explain the economic reasons why the framers avoided the slavery question.

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Explain the economic reasons why the framers avoided the slavery question.

102.6.6: U.S. Constitution, Law, & Citizenship – The graduate explains the roles of major institutions in American Government, the contents and importance of historical documents, understands major principles in the Constitution of the United States, and the ways that American citizens participate in government.

Objective 102.6.6-25: Explain why the Founders failed to address the question of slavery in a definitive way.


The framers of the Constitution carefully avoided the issue of slavery, while simultaneously advocating equality—an issue fundamental to the American Revolution.

Write an essay (maximum of two pages) that discusses why the framers of the Constitution did not write provisions to end slavery into the Constitution. Be sure to include the following components in your essay:

Explain the Constitutional significance of the "Three-fifths Compromise."

Give two more examples (beyond the Three-fifths Compromise) of how slavery is referenced in the Constitution.

Explain the economic reasons why the framers avoided the slavery question.

Aspect Criteria
1. The work is difficult to follow and is confusing.
2. The work needs clarification and other revision.
3. The work is easy to follow and understand.
4. The work is extremely clear and easy to understand.
1. Five or more minor errors and some major errors.
2. Three-four minor errors.
3. One-two minor errors.
spelling, etc.) 4. No errors.
1. Poor sentence structure, limited vocabulary, inappropriate word choice.
2. Some sentence variation, adequate but limited vocabulary, poor word choice.
3. Generally effective sentence structure, solid vocabulary, accurate word choice.
Style (Word
choice, sentence
structure, etc.)
4. Highly varied sentence structure, vivid vocabulary, accurate word choice.
1. Includes no explanation of the Three-fifths Compromise in terms of Constitutional
2. Vaguely explains the Three-fifths Compromise, but includes no reference to its Constitutional
3. Clearly explains the Three-fifths Compromise, including why the institution of slavery was
not ended by the Constitution.
A. “Three-fifths
4. Analyzes the Three-fifths Compromise with respect to the intent of the framers of the
Constitution and the long term historical repercussions of avoiding the slavery issue.
1. Cites no Constitutional references to slavery beyond the Three-fifths Compromise.
2. Cites only one additional Constitutional reference to slavery.
3. Cites two additional Constitutional references to slavery.
B. Two
examples 4. Cites two additional Constitutional reference to slavery and discusses the Constitutional
significance of these references.
1. Does not explain economic reasons why the framers avoided slavery.
2. Vaguely explains the economic reasons why the framers avoided the slavery question.
3. Logically and clearly explains the economic reasons why the framers avoided the slavery
C. Economic
4. Presents a comprehensive analysis of the relationship between economics and the failure to
deal with slavery which includes an understanding of slavery’s historical context and
influence on later U. S. politics

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