Explain the cross section of a spinal cord- the organization with 3 principal functions.

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Explain the cross section of a spinal cord- the organization with 3 principal functions.

Explain the cross section of a spinal cord- the organization with 3 principal functions


1.     Your post must be HIGHLY ORGANIZED, ACCURATE and THOROUGH.

2.    Reference sources that are used. See start here tab for APA help.

3.    NOTE: The goal is NOT to retype the text but to break down the concept and clarify.

You can quote the text but that portion must be clarified and explained by you.

4.   What will you post on?  Label each section according to the following that might apply to your topic:

Consider the following Subheaders:

  • *The explanation / background of the topic- Teach the topic to students. Break it down.   (*Everyone must do this part)
  • The Structure and Function relationship in the body (Important!)
  • Examples to clarify and teach. (Important!)
  • Tips and Tricks for Remembering and Recalling.
  • How does the topic apply to real life.
  • Interesting and current research on the topic.
  • Why is this an important topic? Connect the dots for us with critical  thinking.

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