Explain how the credit crisis adversely affected many other people beyond homeowners and mortgage companies.

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Explain how the credit crisis adversely affected many other people beyond homeowners and mortgage companies.

Please respond to the following:

  • Contagion Effects of Credit Crisis: Explain how the credit crisis adversely affected many other people beyond homeowners and mortgage companies.  Do you believe the impact of the credit crisis is still being felt today?  Please explain, be thorough in your response and provide any available citations.

Business Law

Please respond to the following:

  • Thinking back on the last few months, consider a time when you encountered a friend or business associate who promised or agreed to do something but did not follow through. For example, did someone agree to sell you something but at the last minute changed the price? Or did someone agree to perform a service, but then later said he or she was too busy?
  • Relate the facts of your example. Then, based on the materials in the reading and lecture, explain why the facts you presented did or did not meet the legal requirements for a contract. Be sure to support your response.

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