Do you think people convicted of a felony, either sentenced to probation or out on parole, should be allowed to vote?

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Do you think people convicted of a felony, either sentenced to probation or out on parole, should be allowed to vote?

Read the article “Should Florida restore nonviolent ex-felon’s voting rights

After reading the article, answer and discuss the following questions. Comment on at least two other student’s posts.

  1. Do you think people convicted of a felony, either sentenced to probation or out on parole, should be allowed to vote? What would you use as a justification for your answer?
  2. Should convicted felons who have served their time and are no longer on probation or parole be allowed to vote immediately after their sentence has been served or should they be restricted from voting for years? Forever? Why or why not?
  3. Do you think allowing a felon the right to vote might increase the likelihood of rehabilitation and reduce recidivism by reducing the stigma of conviction and allowing felons to feel like they are part of a community? Explain?

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