Discuss the strategies that you will implement to ensure that your assignment is polished and in final draft format.

How does the primary source contribute to our understanding of religion/religious belief in the time period?Discuss.
August 5, 2017
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Discuss the strategies that you will implement to ensure that your assignment is polished and in final draft format.

2 dis / assg


D1)“Incorporating Graphics Into the Justification Report” Please respond to the following:

  • This week, you are to add a graph to your Justification Report. Discuss how you’ll approach this part of your assignment, and state the main reasons why you feel that graphs are a necessary part of a formal report.
  • From Part 1 of this discussion, determine the main benefits of using graphs in the report presentation. Next, explain the manner in which a creatively constructed graph might help you to better manage and present your data.

D2)Putting it all Together – Revising the Justification Report”  Please respond to the following:

  • This week, you will utilize the techniques that you have studied in your readings to revise your Justification Report while adding the final parts. Based on your readings, state three (3) things that you will be looking for as you revise and proofread (e.g. organization, structure, grammar elements). Discuss the strategies that you will implement to ensure that your assignment is polished and in final draft format.

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