Discuss the issues you will examine, the risks and rewards of going forward. How will you determine if this is simply an overzealous CEO chasing a better balance sheet or a good option for your business?

Explain which particular free-format self-report measure (e.g., select from projective measures, associative lists,) you would prefer to administer if you were a researcher, and explain why.
August 5, 2017
Discuss one (1) project where you used a problem-solving approach to address what turned out to be common-cause variation, or where you used a process improvement approach to deal with a special cause.
August 5, 2017
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Discuss the issues you will examine, the risks and rewards of going forward. How will you determine if this is simply an overzealous CEO chasing a better balance sheet or a good option for your business?

You have been given the assignment to complete due diligence on a potential acquisition. The purchase is an un-related area of your business. You provide manufactured products to the automotive industry. The potential acquisition is focus on supplying monitoring devices for cardiac care units. Discuss the issues you will examine, the risks and rewards of going forward. How will you determine if this is simply an overzealous CEO chasing a better balance sheet or a good option for your business?

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