Discuss the historical perspective of the time when the policy was discussed or implemented.

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Discuss the historical perspective of the time when the policy was discussed or implemented.

Write a three to four (3-4) page paper in which you:

  1. Discuss the historical perspective of the time when the policy was discussed or implemented. Indicate the context or the problem of the day and the urgency for the policy.
  2. Analyze the social, economic, and political environments for the times the policy was discussed or implemented.
  3. Critique the policy for its effectiveness of the time.
  4. Include at least four (4) peer-reviewed references (no more than five [5] years old) from material outside the textbook. Note: Appropriate peer-reviewed references include scholarly articles and governmental Websites. Wikipedia, other wikis, and any other Websites ending in anything other than “.gov” do not qualify as peer-reviewed.

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