Discuss procedures for installing Domain Controllers. Discuss the differences when you are installing to an existing Domain and when you are creating a new domain.

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Discuss procedures for installing Domain Controllers. Discuss the differences when you are installing to an existing Domain and when you are creating a new domain.

Part 1 Who is responsible for you: you , your parents, or your community?
For this essay, think about the issue of nature vs. nurture and express what you feel has had more of an effect on how you think (cognitions), feel and how you express it (behavior). Another way of putting this, who is responsible for you: You? or your Parents? Your community? At least 3 paragraphs

Part 2 – Discussion

Discuss procedures for installing Domain Controllers. Discuss the differences when you are installing to an existing Domain and when you are creating a new domain.
Discuss various tools an admin might use to create user accounts in Active Directory. Discuss which tools would be better suited for a full blown version of Server 2012 and the Server Core version of Server 2012.
Discuss the creation and configuration of Organizational Units.
Part 3 Read questions and answer in 100 t0 150 words
Do you feel that cops give women more warnings? Do cops look for certain vehicles to issue ticket? For example, there is a sports car and a mini-van right next to each other. Would the cop look more closely at the sports car or the mini-van? 2. Does being “connected” help you get a Law .Enforcement. job? 3. IS most police brutality racial

Part 4 IT Auditing Memo
There are two parts to do: Part 1 is => Scenario: As a significant learning experience in your internship with an IT/IS audit firm, the senior auditor with whom you are working has asked you to design the audit presentation and report for clients in both groups: top management executives and lower level staffs in the organization.
Prepare a 2- to 3-page memo to the senior auditor in Microsoft® Word discussing how you would provide the information to the clients in both groups.
Select either interim report or closing conference report. They may be either written or verbal.
Provide the logic for your selection and to what group in the organization you will first present the audit findings.
Include your logic for presenting to this group first.
Discuss the major characteristics of your detailed audit finding report and how you would distribute the report to each group. Part 2 is => Scenario: As a significant learning experience in your internship with an IT/IS audit firm, the senior auditor with whom you are working has asked you to design the audit presentation and report for clients in both groups: top management executives and lower level staffs in the organization.
Prepare a 2- to 3-page memo to the senior auditor in Microsoft® Word discussing how you would provide the information to the clients in both groups.
Select either interim report or closing conference report. They may be either written or verbal.
Provide the logic for your selection and to what group in the organization you will first present the audit findings.
Include your logic for presenting to this group first.
Discuss the major characteristics of your detailed audit finding report and how you would distribute the report to each group.

Part 5
Applications of Motivation in Learning Theory
Select an infamous serial killer and perform an analysis of this individual’s motivation, in terms of at least two of the four learning theories.
Prepare a 3- to 5-page handout for police officers, explaining the behavior of serial killers in terms of established learning theories and theories of motivation.
Address the following in your handout:
Identification of intrinsic and extrinsic rewards in the killers’ behaviors
Demonstration of application of theory-based motivation (expectancy-value, self-worth, social comparison, and so forth) for how serial killers may have been motivated to learn such violent behavior

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