Discuss each self in a separate paragraph. For each self, describe how life experiences have affected your sense of who you were, and who you became in the last 5-15 years.

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Discuss each self in a separate paragraph. For each self, describe how life experiences have affected your sense of who you were, and who you became in the last 5-15 years.

 Self – These  3 aspects of the self

? moral (ethics, spirituality, value system or beliefs, sense of right and wrong)

? social (introversion vs. extroversion, comfort level in social situations, social groups, and interactions with other people include friends, families, or acquaintances)

? emotional (psychological, feelings, moods, expression of emotions, emotional responses, etc.).

Paper Organization:

? Use 5 paragraphs to organize your paper.

o Introduction (1 Paragraph, 3-5 sentences): Briefly introduce the three aspects you’ve chosen to discuss and explain why those were important or significant.

o Body (3 Paragraphs, 7-10 sentences for each paragraph)

§ Discuss each self in a separate paragraph. For each self, describe how life experiences have affected your sense of who you were, and who you became in the last 5-15 years. For each paragraph, describe one specific example from your personal experience to illustrate who you were and how things changed.

o Conclusion: (1 Paragraph, 3-5 sentences to summarize): Review the selves you discussed in the journal, and restate why these areas were important or the impact they had in shaping who you are today.

Paper Format:

o Journal entry must be typed, double-spaced, 1-inch margins, using Times New Roman font, size 12.

o Type your full name, course number, date, and assignment title at the top left corner of your paper.

o Paper must be checked for correct grammar, spelling, punctuation, and appropriate word choice. NO SLANG OR TEXTING ACRONYMS OR LANGUAGE.

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