Discuss a situation where you received some critical feedback.

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Discuss a situation where you received some critical feedback.

Part # 1
Alternative Dispute Resolution
Write 5 paragraphs at least # 1
To assess your ability to:
create alternative dispute resolution (ADR) strategies
manage difficult situations using alternative dispute resolution strategies

This assignment will require you to create your own alternative dispute resolution strategy and then apply your strategy to manage conflict. To assist you with this assignment, review the Change, Conflict, and Alternative Dispute Resolution information.

Action Items
Review the Change, Conflict, and Alternative Dispute Resolution information.(look in file section)
Create a formal proposal, including an executive summary addressed to your supervisor that presents an alternative resolution strategy to be formally implemented and required by all managers within your department. Make sure the proposal includes the following:
The created alternative dispute resolution stratetgy
A list of key communication skills needed for successful use of the strategy
A description of how the strategy will be communicated to employees
A recommendation for training if necessary
A discussion of how the strategy can benefit the organization/department from a legal perspective
After completing your proposal, apply the strategy to three (3) types of situations that you have experienced in your department that included conflict. Specifically;
conflict between two employees
conflict between employee and a patient
conflict between an employee and a customer or other non patient/department personnel.
Apply your strategy to each of your examples, and determine if the outcome would have been different if you had applied the strategy at the time of conflict.
Summarize your applications in a 5 paragraphs paper.

Grading Criteria
ADR Strategy Proposal: 0 – 40 points (2 paragraphs)
Situation Application Summary: 0 – 40 points (3 paragraphs)

Part # 2
Grief Brochure and Constructive Feeback
Open their files in file section and write 2 paragraphs each.

Action Items
Constructive Feeback ( Reflecting on the Overview information in file opened and write 2 paragraphs)
Grief (Reflect on your own personal experiences with the grieving process.
Based on your reflections and your readings, create brochure to give to staff, patients, or patient family members that explains the stages of grief and lists support services in your area.
Reflect on the public duty responsibility of health care professionals in your particular field and write 2 paragraphs)

Part # 3
Review these 3 SCENARIOS and write at least 2 small sentences of respond for each Scenarios.

1 Public Duty Scenario Physicians

(Physicians The patient-physician relationship is essentially a contractual relationship. The physician is under no duty to treat (accept) a patient. Whether the patient can pay or not, and regardless of the patient’s medical condition, a physician is not legally obligated to treat. A Texas court asserted: Since it is unquestionably the law that the relationship of physician and patient is dependent upon contract, either expressed or implied, a physician is not to be held liable for arbitrarily refusing to respond to a call of a person even urgently in need of medical or surgical assistance provided that the relationship of physician and patient does not exist at the time the call is made or at the time the person presents himself for treatment. [Childs v. Weis, 440 S.W. 2nd 104 (Tex.Civ.App.1969)] It is assumed therefore, that a relationship exists between the physician and the patient, and that relationship is, from the beginning, a contractual and voluntary relationship. [Agnew v. Parks, 343 P.2d 118, 123 (Cal.App.1959)]. Once a contractual relationship is established, either expressed or implied, then the physician has a duty to perform and can be held liable for any failure or shortcomings on his or her part.

2 Public Duty Scenario Hospitals

Health care organizations now function under a series of statutory and court created laws that effectively prohibit the arbitrary refusal to admit and treat patients. A Delaware case applied common law to this question and found that a hospital has a duty to act reasonably in its patient selection decisions. The historical custom of hospitals to maintain open emergency rooms has influenced the development of case law. The courts have therefore build upon the concept of negligent termination of gratuitous services and maintain that hospitals should be responsible in cases of "unmistakable emergency" to stabilize patients prior to transferring them to another facility. [Wilmington General Hospital v. Manlove, 174 A.2d 135 (Del.1961). This case had its greatest impact on the duty to treat indigent emergency patients and little effect on the duty to treat insured patients. In a later case, [Payton v. Weaver, 182 Cal.Rptr. 225, 131 Cal.App.3d 38 (Cal.App.1d 1982)] the court suggested that where even private hospitals had a "quasi public" character, paying patients had a right of access and treatment. This was stated because hospitals have a unique and sometimes scarce service, that they receive funding from public sources, and have a tendency to enjoy monopoly status in a community. Further, federal regulations require hospitals that enjoy a tax-exempt status or received construction grants under the Hill-Burton Act to treat all community patients. Institutions that receive Medicare and Medicaid funding are prohibited from discrimination.

3 Teacher Question


Discuss a situation where you received some critical feedback. What type of feedback was it- formative or summative? Was it effective, or should it have been done in another way. As a manager, should you tailor your feedback style to each individual employee? Why? Why not? This is your Overview information in file (Constructive Feeback)

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