Develop a detailed presentation or an essay that describes and explains the SCRUM software development framework.

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Develop a detailed presentation or an essay that describes and explains the SCRUM software development framework.

 Assignment 1


Develop a detailed presentation or an essay that describes and explains the SCRUM software development framework. Include the following components:

Key SCRUM Processes – Planning, Review, Retrospective, Daily SCRUM/standup meeting

Key SCRUM concepts/components, to include at a minimum:

User story

Story board



“potentially shippable”



Major roles in SCRUM – SCRUM Master, Product Owner, development team member

Key SCRUM artifacts – Product Backlog, Sprint Backlog, Burndown Chart

If you choose to compile a presentation, include a visual diagram to illustrate the SCRUM process.

Essays should be at least 500, but not more than 600 words.

Assignment 2


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