Design a training workshop to teach upper management about collective bargaining.

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Design a training workshop to teach upper management about collective bargaining.

The Human Resources department has been tasked by the CEO to develop a training workshop on collective bargaining for upper management. Your department must analyze the obligations arising out of collective bargaining.

Design a training workshop to teach upper management about collective bargaining.

Research the Internet and University Library for information on the role of HR in collective bargaining and the topic of collective bargaining.

Create a 10-to 15-slide presentation with speaker notes, not including the title page, Q&A page, or References page and address the following:

  • Review applicable laws affecting collective bargaining.
  • Discuss the role a Human Resource manager plays in labor contract negotiations.
  • Explain the requirements of collective bargaining being sure to cover good faithbargaining and negotiation skills. Include a discussion on mandatory and non-mandatory issues.
  • Compare strikes, boycotts and work stoppages.
  • Discuss one legal case concerning collective bargaining to use as an example of a point you want to emphasize in your presentation.

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