Design a 5- to 7-page change management methodology that details the steps that should be taken when a change is recommended for any system.

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Design a 5- to 7-page change management methodology that details the steps that should be taken when a change is recommended for any system.

Scenario: A gaming company has many computer systems, but no formal methodology to make changes to these systems.

Design a 5- to 7-page change management methodology that details the steps that should be taken when a change is recommended for any system. Include the following:

  • Sample form the stakeholder–such as end-user, manager, and so forth–fills out to request a change
  • Methodology used to evaluate change, including effect on budgeting and resources, such as time or people
  • Methodology used to determine whether internal staff or contractors should be used
  • Configuration management requirements
  • Methodology for handling conflict and other problems
  • Method for handling evaluation of completed change

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