“Forensic Challenges and Decryption in the Courts” Please respond to the following:
- Describe what you perceive to be the greatest challenge for system forensics investigators. Provide specific details of this challenge and whether or not the challenge differs from a private company investigation compared to a law enforcement investigation. Provide a rationale with your response.
- Go to the Ars Technica Website to read the article titled, “Massachusetts high court orders suspect to decrypt his computers,” located at http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2014/06/massachusetts-high-court-orders-suspect-to-decrypt-his-computers. Take a position on the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court’s decision that forced decryption of a suspect’s encrypted volume. Decide whether or not you believe the subject matter of the potential evidence contained therein should have an effect on the court’s decision (e.g., child pornography vs. terrorist activities vs. financial crime data). Justify your decision.