Describe this source in some detail: what is the source?

Write a two pages essay, not more than 1000 words (6000 characters), excluding the cover page and the reference page.
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Describe this source in some detail: what is the source?

For this assignment/draft, find or choose one of your sources. Then, work through the following:

1) Ask and write down 2/3 questions you have about the material/your assignment before you read the source.

2) Describe this source in some detail: what is the source? Who wrote it? Who are they?

3) Why did the author(s) write this? What is it’s purpose?

4) Describe the writing style, content, and features of this source–what could we learn about the field by looking at and reading this source?

5) How do you think you will use this source? That is, what info/ideas from it will be useful to you?

6) Did your questions get answered? Tell me. Then, ask 2-3 more you have after reading this source.

you could use any of the sources that you chose for project 3 & you just have to answer the questions.

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